The charitible planning thing is a great idea for a show, Zid.
Mad Sweeney
JoinedPosts by Mad Sweeney
Father Elders going mad !
by koolaid-man inthe stress on jehovah's witness elders raising their children in "the truth" is causing many to literally go mad.. keeping their children in " the spiritual ark" is becoming more and more difficult.. many elders are snapping under the pressure.. one of our guests on the six screens conference call told of her elder father ( who everyone at the kingdom hall thought was an angel) came home from the meeting and killed the family dog in the kitchen with his bookbag as the family looked on....... join us tonight oct. 22, 2011 at 7 pm edt.
.... our guest will be wendy lee tucker former jw whose father was an elder and terribly abused her physically and emotionally.. she received horrific beatings..... hit with a bat, punched at, receiving a broken nose and became a prisoner in her home.. wendy was looked in her room with the doors being nailed shut when the family went off to the kingdom hall.. a far cry fom being a "spiritual paradise".
it is easy to get on the computer is necessary.... just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. our lines open at 6:30 pm come on early and talk with all those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the watchtower".
Who is Rolf Furuli?
by possible-san inis he a reliable scholar?.
(most of anti-jehovah's witnesses in japan hardly know his name.).
is he an active jehovah's witness?.
Mad Sweeney
He was probably reliable when he was working in his field of expertise (which I believe is ancient languages). I don't remember all the details for sure but I think he became a JW and then started using his educated credentials to write articles and books supporting 607BCE as the date for the destruction of Jerusalem. Unfortunately, he isn't an expert in the fields of history, anthropology, or ancient Assyria. Everything he claims stems around just a couple key points that don't actually prove anything and are completely rebuffed by Carl Olof Jonsson.
There is little doubt that the Borg used his input for its Watchtower articles this autumn because he is quite literally the only reputable scholar of any type who believes those assertions and supports them that way.
Witness plays Gov. Body Samuel Herd talk for he mentally ill??
by Witness 007 ingoverning body member samuel heard talk -are you ready for the finishing line?.
so my witness "friend" plays this talk to show how near armagedon is.
his 18 y.o daughter said "it was scary" well shocking!
Mad Sweeney
If this is indeed CO Elwood Johnson and NOT Sam Herd, Randy at freeminds would almost certainly want to know about it.
Could The Watchtower and Awake Collapse?
by metatron inthis is not a prophesy, folks, but rather a train of thought to pursue about the organization, especially in light of its recent legal problems.. could the magazines collapse?
the watchtower is published in 188 languages?
and the awake a rather huge number as well?.
Mad Sweeney
I wonder what a non-Borg conversation with one of those goobers would be like. Do they know anything about ANYthing other than the Watchtower's isolated world?
Could the Governing Body be done away with?
by Aussie Oz ini posted this idea on another thread but perhaps it is worth its own discussion.. could the gb be done away with?
seriously.. they came to be, out of a troubled time.
there was much opposition as we know to the whole gb idea at the time.
Mad Sweeney
When I first heard there was a GB, I was shocked b/c single individuals always dominated during my time. I'm curious as to what happened.
The GB has been in charge almost 40 years. Ray Franz explains how it rose to power in Crisis of Conscience. The pdf is quite reasonably priced and a lot of libraries have it.
OPEN CHALLENGE TO GB / FDS or anyone in the BORG
by Lied2NoMore ini openly challenge any annointed ones to use the holy spirit to come find this ms still considered in good standing in my congregation, and remove me for waking up to your bs and cultish ways.
i no longer believe in your doctrine, history, or the claim you are guided by holy spirit.
prove me wrong and come get me!!.
Mad Sweeney
The GB needs a gps, a bloodhound, and a ouija board to find its own collective ass. They're not going to find you or me.
Could the Governing Body be done away with?
by Aussie Oz ini posted this idea on another thread but perhaps it is worth its own discussion.. could the gb be done away with?
seriously.. they came to be, out of a troubled time.
there was much opposition as we know to the whole gb idea at the time.
Mad Sweeney
I don't see the GB being "done away with" but I could envsion them letting themselves die off without replacements (20-30 years and they're all gone). They would need to revise some doctrine but they'll have to revise doctrine by then anyway. My speculation follows:
Fifty years from now the doctrine will be that the 1000 years began in 1914 and that rather than the "old light" understanding of two separate Armageddon-like events (one to kick off the 1000 years and one after the 1000 years), there is just one at the end of the 1000 years. They'll also have to change "the rest of the dead didn't come to life until the 1000 years had ended" scripture to literal instead of figurative, since there is obviously no resurrection going on right now.
This will bring up the issue of what to use as a stick without an Armageddon imminent. Here is what it will be: the lake of fire. Anyone who leaves the Borg during the 1000 years has NO HOPE for a resurrection. Anyone who rejects "the good news" during the 1000 years has NO HOPE for a resurrection. ONLY faithful JWs who DIE FAITHFUL during the 1000 years have hope for a resurrection (along with everyone who died prior to 1914).
See? It's all laid out for them. They'll perpetuate the Borg indefinitely with this scenario (or one something like it). How does this relate to the GB? Well, they (along with ALL 144K anointed) will have been resurrected to heaven and ruling from there. On earth, the Watchtower will set up some sort of administrative hierarchy that are "the princes" representing the Borg interests on earth. It will be GB-like, but with less prestige and absolutely no power over the organization, which will be corporate-run in reality.
Here is the funeral talk outline. VERY discraceful.
by stillstuckcruz inthis is truly terrible.
i just love the statement "instead of eulogizing the deceased, use the material in this outline to give a fine witness concerning the truth.
" in other words, utterly disregard the deceased.
Mad Sweeney
I'm so thankful for the internet - it has allowed me to "see" with my own eyes what the WTS has always told me not to read/watch - and NOW I know why.
Excellent point, and welcome to all the new ones who have posted in this thread. The Internet is a tool of truth before which Borg lies cannot stand. They're scared to death of it and for good reason. It exposes them for the frauds they are. A good question to ask JWs is if everything found on the Internet about the Watchtower is Satanic lies, then why are they so afraid of letting JWs read it? Can't lies be defeated by truth easily? Are you all so weak in your faith that you can't handle the tiniest of false challenges to what you believe? The Bible says, "oppose the devil and he will flee from you," not, "flee from the devil because he opposes you." They don't avoid the Internet because they know it's false, they avoid it because they are afraid it's true.
WT Flip-Flops on JesusÂ’ InspectionÂ… Was it in 1918 or 1919?... Did the WT PASS or FAIL?
by Alfred inthis is utterly ridiculous.... .
the more i research this particular subject, the more flip-flops i uncover.
it seems the fds cant even make up their minds regarding what happened in 1918 (or should i say 1919?).
Mad Sweeney
On the topic of elderly JWs, I agree that we shouldn't push them but if they want to know why we're doing what we're doing, I don't see anything wrong with being honest. My parents have both gone inactive thanks to sharing the truth about the Borg with them. They have an advantage being elderly in that they use their failing health and twilight years as an excuse for their inactivity so they're not shunned very much and certainly not formally. Unlike me, who quit in the prime of my "making spiritual progress" and lost every friend I had aside from my wife.
I lean toward freedom with pain over slavery in lies and ignorance - even with the elderly.
Could The Watchtower and Awake Collapse?
by metatron inthis is not a prophesy, folks, but rather a train of thought to pursue about the organization, especially in light of its recent legal problems.. could the magazines collapse?
the watchtower is published in 188 languages?
and the awake a rather huge number as well?.
Mad Sweeney
A merging of Awake! and public Watchtower seems inevitable. Whether they call it "Awake" or "Watchtower" or something new entirely (which would be smart because "new" things energize the sheeple) remains to be seen. They'll still have the study Watchtower. Before they stop printing it entirely, they will lay heavy pressure on the flock to download and print their own for a few years. Only when that fails to save them enough money will they discontinue the printing altogether.
If the economy rebounds the Borg may be in ok shape for several decades. If the recession continues, they could be in serious trouble.